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The Maze

Games Menu

Draw Cards

Highway Racer

Hard Wheels

2048 HTML5 -- A sliding tile game
4X4_Monster --HTML5 --
Acrobots (swf)-- a fun diversion
Asteroids (swf)-- Just like the arcade game
Blackjack JS version
Blackjack (swf)- Plays like a real casino.
Bridge Dealer mt own creation
Cargo drive --HTML5 --
Checkers JS
Check Out JS
Chess (swf)
Clear 'Em JS
Code Cracker (swf) -- unlock the pathway to secret files.
Connect Four JS
Copter Pilot (swf)
Counting Sheep -- (swf) 3 versions.
Cycle-trial HTML5
The DJ (swf) -- a hilarious diversion.
Dodge JS -- you gotta be quick and precise with your mouse.
Dots -- sometimes called squares.
Drive to Wreck HTML5
Duck Hunt HTML5 -- easier than popular swf and funny sound effects
Duck Hunt (swf)
Draw Cards -- draw 1 to 5 cards or compete with your PC -- my own
Draw Poker JS
Five in a Row (swf) -- a game for 2 players.
Frog It -- (swf) -- excellent recreation of the video game.
Golf -- (swf) 2 courses
Gravity -- (swf)
Guess a Number -- Javascript -- my own creation.
Hangman -- Eleven word lists.
Hard-wheels -- HTML5
Hard-wheels 2 -- HTML5
Hasty Cargo --HTML5 --not supported by older MS browsers
Hextris HTML5 -- like Tetris in the round.
Highway Racer 4 part JS racing game
Hook, Line & Sinker (swf)
M-acceleratione --HTML5 -- realistic racing.
Magic 8 Ball
Magic Slate -- my own creation.
The Maze (swf)
Megamillions -- random picks just like the lottery computer -- my own
Memory -- JS
Mimstris -- HTML5 -- Tetris on steroids -- add or subtract shapes
Pacman -- HTML5 -- just like the classic arcade game.
Pegs -- Javascript game
Peg Game -- (swf) as seen on the table at Cracker Barrel
Penguin Games -- (swf) four fun games starring penguins
Powerball -- random picks just like the lottery computer -- my own
Radius -- js -- similar to asteroids
Random Numbers -- 5 levels -- my own
Red Neck Insult Generator -- JS
Roll the Dice -- 5 versions. My own
Semi-driver --HTML5 -- tractor trailer parking.
Slot Machine -- original Slot -- with sound
Smart-A-Generator JS
Stud Poker -- deals four hands.
Simon -- (swf)
Space Invaders -- (swf) - great recreation of the arcade game.
Taipei for Red Necks
Tic-Tac-Toe -- JS
Towers of Hanoi -- JS
Tractor Trial -- HTML5
Treasure Hunt (swf)        Rainy Night in Georgia

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