Check Out

  • Clear all the checks.
  • Instructions below.
  • Select "BEGIN" to start each game.
1. Select level 2. Set a max # of moves?
      Yes       No
  = moves allowed.   = Moves made.


  1. Object of Game -- Clear all the checks from the boxes.
  2. Checks are cleared by clicking on the checkbox.   This will also check any unchecked box (and vice versa) to the immediate top, bottom, left, or right of the box that you click.
    If you click in an empty box, the results will be the same.
  3. Select a level of difficulty with the pulldown menu.   The higher the level, the harder the game.
  4. Let the script add an additional challenge to the game. If "Yes" is selected, you must solve the game in the given number of moves for that level.   If you exceed the maximum number of moves, the game is over.
    If "No" is selected, then the game will proceed until you win or until someone comes to take you away.
  5. The allowed moves box tells you how many moves are allowed for that game. Either a number or "*N/A" if you selected "No".
  6. The "moves made" box tells you how many moves you have made so far. This lets you know how close you are to the limit.
    It is also good to keep 'Score' when you are competing with someone else and you have not learned to complete the game in the minimum number of moves. ][ Games Index